ICA Screening

Another screening!
Byum & Kapok: A Lilt will be screening at the Institute of Contemporary Art, London on November 6th! It will screen as part of Little Pencil, a workshop where children draw to music.
This is an amazing opportunity and the first time our animation will be used in some kind of children education.
If you have kids and are in London, please take a look!

Bryum & Kapokの3作目、「A Lilt」がロンドンのInstitute of Contemporary Artsで11/6に開催されるLittle Pencilという子供のための音楽とドローイングのワークショップにて上映されます。

★アニメーションカテゴリでノミネートされていた、The Swatch Young Illustrators Award 2009。先日結果が出て、残念ながら賞は逃しましたが、ノミネート作品の展示は11/1まで続いています。お近くの方はぜひ立ち寄ってみてくださいね。

AZUL liner print on Society6

Azul Liner
This is the liner we created for the Azul (Hiroyuki Usui)/Six Organs of Admittance (Ben Chasny) split 12". The design ended up not being used but some folks expressed interest in getting a copy so we are making it available on Society6 as a print you can order!

Society6 just recently started a printing service and we are currently testing it out. We have a few other illustrations available at the moment and will probably be adding to that number shortly.
Alpaca Dreams (color separation)Alpaca Dreams (original)Lachanophobia

Here is a link for more information on Society6's art prints.

Illustrative 2009 Young Illustrators Award Nominee!

Illustrative, the "leading international forum for contemporary and graphic arts" (Illustrative site source) nominated us for their 2009 Young Illustrators Award!
Along with nine other animation category nominees (with two other categories, illustration and book art, ~35 nominees total) we await Sunday (10/18) when the winner of this award will be announced.
This year the festival is in Berlin and starts on the 15th (this Friday). As always, we wish we could be there.
They also have a bio page of us on their site - here.

ドイツのベルリンで明日、15日より開催されるイラストレイティブ2009でのコンペティション、The Swatch Young Illustrators Award 2009のアニメーションカテゴリに「Bryum&Kapok」がノミネートされています

会場でドキドキしながら「And The Winner Is...」てっていう発表を聞くなんて経験、してみたかったなー。


Gifts of Autumn

Here are some little friends we found on our way to Sachem Head. We met some neighbors at the top just as the fog settled in the valley and the woods turned a deep, muffled blue.


Tweak this Week

A day away from the calendar start of Fall and the official opening day of the Tweak Festival!
Again, if you are in or around Limerick take a look at what's going - exhibitions, music, workshops, all sorts of events.
Brief information on us is up on their cinema page. Bryum & Kapok will be screening on Saturday, the final day of the festival.

先日お知らせしたアイルランドのLimerickで開かれるデジタルテクノロジーアートのフェスティバルTweak Festival、今週スタートします。お近くの方はぜひプログラムをチェックしてみてくださいね。
cinema pageが更新されて、Bryum & Kapokの事も掲載されています。上映はフェスティバルの最終日である土曜日、Tweak cinema というイベントです!

Buttobi Bear & Caesar/ぶっとびベアー&シーザー 26

Buttobi Bear & Caesar /ぶっとびベアー&シーザー #000026
Just can't wait to get a taste.
Also, it seems their stove is a part of their kitchen island.



KiraKira TourTour

KiraKira is going on a short tour of Europe this September and we designed a poster for it!... or at the moment for this first stop at Sódóma, a venue in Reykjavík she'll be playing at on September 5th. The image is going to be used for more show posters though and flyers too so keep your eyes peeled for dates and locations on KiraKira's Myspace page!

Also, below is a a larger version of the poster, simplified. There are some little folks worth a look hanging around the letters.





Five Years


From the wooded crevices and dark spaces of Okutama to the haunted hills and cold streams of Greenfield, Overture has made it to year number five! Still meager in our means and production we are nonetheless overwhelmed daily by how far this dream has come. And as is often the case with time perception we see our beginnings at once as a distant shore and the last footprint we left on the path, the years stretching and shrinking as we consider them.
We think of all the folks who have given us opportunities over the years, and believed in us when there looked to be little reason to, and we are deeply grateful. We think also of all the folks who have come about through Overture: Harold & Chim, Bryum & Kapok, Buttobi Bear & Caesar, DingDong Yeahs, etc., looking on in anticipation of how they will continue to grow and excited for what new friends will come along in the future.
Thank you for five magical years and please join us on the adventures ahead!




そして、世界のどこかで私たちの作品・キャラクター達(ハロルドとチム/ブリアムとカポック/ぶっとびベアー & シーザー/DingDong Yeahs/ルバーブ達等々)を見てくれた人、この文章を読んでくれているあなた、全ての人にありがとうを!


Heavy Maple

A cd came in the mail yesterday that we thought we'd share as it is a nice little fellow and is sort of a seed for us and we want to nurture all the things it might grow into!
The cd is "Heavy Maple," the debut album of rec.tangle, formerly going by Topo Gigio and always going by Adrien Rodes. The album came out in July on melodic records.

The music is very descriptive and visual, swelling to certain locations then receding to reveal something previously unnoticed shining at your feet. There are ancient deserts and tropical islands and lakeside forests.
It is probably best just to try his music out for yourself on his myspace page or go straight ahead and purchase it from melodic or any number of record stores that carry it.

Basically when we heard his music, we knew we had to create something with him - so expect some news of a project or two popping up in the future!

(Also, the lovely artwork was done by Yuko Michishita who has created artwork for Fleetfoxes and specialten in the past)


CDのタイトルは「Heavy Maple」。
7月にUKの melodic recordsから出たばかりで、ブライトンをベースに活動するrec.tangle(by Adrien Rodes/彼はまた、Topo Gigioという名前でも活動してます。)のデヴューアルバムです。



まだその何かはわかりませんが、近い将来にAdrien Rodesとの(ひとつの?いくつかの?)プロジェクトについてお知らせできればいいなと思います。

(また、今回のカバーの素敵なアートワークを手がけている Yuko Michishitaさん。 Fleetfoxesspecialtenマガジンなどにも作品を寄せています。)

Buttobi Bear & Caesar/ぶっとびベアー&シーザー 22

Buttobi Bear & Caesar /ぶっとびベアー&シーザー #000022
Part 4 and the conclusion to this ongoing encounter with Black Smell and Bleary (...for now).
A little relaxation, a little music - and right back home you go!

塔の一番上の部屋で自慢のミックスを聴かせてくれようとしたブリーリーとブラックスメル。が、音楽がかかったとたん、また音楽パワーで現実世界に戻されてしまう二人だった…。 BB&B(ブラックスメル&ブリーリー)シリーズはひとまずこれで終了、来週からは普通の世界に戻ります!

AZUL: It's here!

AZUL: It's here!
AZUL: It's here!
AZUL: It's here!
Just when we thought we wouldn't see them until the new year - three boxes arrived stuffed full of the Azul/Ben Chasny split 12"!!!
It's our first experience with our work on vinyl and... it is very satisfying.
If anyone is interested in possibly purchasing a print of the liner we created, please let us know as we are in the processing/considering stage of getting some made... we'll provide you with an image of course, for preview - or actually maybe we'll just upload the image here so anyone can get a proper look.

Also, some corrections: on the PSF site the copies available is listed as 800 - there are only 700.
On the back cover of the record jacket on song no. 5 Hiroyuki Usui is credited with guitar - but it should be bass.

8/5に発売されたばかりのAzul & Six Organs of Admittanceのsplit盤が本日家に届きました!



★裏カバーの"Old man side (Azul)"の5曲目、Hiroyuki Usuiの演奏楽器にGuitarとありますが、Bassの間違いです。

Here's some detailed images of the jacket, posted previously:
AZUL front
AZUL back