Heavy Maple

A cd came in the mail yesterday that we thought we'd share as it is a nice little fellow and is sort of a seed for us and we want to nurture all the things it might grow into!
The cd is "Heavy Maple," the debut album of rec.tangle, formerly going by Topo Gigio and always going by Adrien Rodes. The album came out in July on melodic records.

The music is very descriptive and visual, swelling to certain locations then receding to reveal something previously unnoticed shining at your feet. There are ancient deserts and tropical islands and lakeside forests.
It is probably best just to try his music out for yourself on his myspace page or go straight ahead and purchase it from melodic or any number of record stores that carry it.

Basically when we heard his music, we knew we had to create something with him - so expect some news of a project or two popping up in the future!

(Also, the lovely artwork was done by Yuko Michishita who has created artwork for Fleetfoxes and specialten in the past)


CDのタイトルは「Heavy Maple」。
7月にUKの melodic recordsから出たばかりで、ブライトンをベースに活動するrec.tangle(by Adrien Rodes/彼はまた、Topo Gigioという名前でも活動してます。)のデヴューアルバムです。



まだその何かはわかりませんが、近い将来にAdrien Rodesとの(ひとつの?いくつかの?)プロジェクトについてお知らせできればいいなと思います。

(また、今回のカバーの素敵なアートワークを手がけている Yuko Michishitaさん。 Fleetfoxesspecialtenマガジンなどにも作品を寄せています。)