Happy New Year! 🎊
Into the unknown of 2025…
with love and change and growth and compassion!
Toon Gulch
On Friday, 11/15 we had the pleasure and honor of screening Shrine Islands with a group of talented and accomplished animators at NYU Tisch.
It was a diverse group of styles and interests! We rarely get a chance to spend time with other animators so it was a very positive experience for us.
We are grateful to Birgit Rathsmann and David Britton for thinking of us and inviting us to participate!
Animation Camp 2024
Another year of animation camp with an amazing group of talented animators with varying styles and interests!
Little Spring Trip
Little Spring Trip: before summer arrives here are some excerpts from our puppets’ first visit to Japan this past spring. They spent time with cherry blossoms and koinobori, visited old friends of ours and even rode on a ferry!
リトルスプリングトリップ: ここに本格的な夏が来る前に。この春、パペットたちが初めて日本を訪ねた旅の映像です!桜は九州から東京まで移動する私たちにまるで一緒に旅するかのようについて来てくれました。どこに行っても桜のピーク!フェリーさんふらわあに乗ったり、古い友人に会いに行ったり…楽しかった!
Spring Slug Circle
found a spring slug circle.
Shrine Island Screening Boston Underground Film Festival 2024
Shrine Island is screening at the 2024 Boston Underground Film Festival 3/20-24!
Badges and more info at bostonunderground.org
This is our second time at this lovely festival, the first time being for HAKKORI in 2022.
HAKKORI Screening ANNY Animation Nights New York 2024
HAKKORI is screening at the ANNY Animation Screening Program 90: HUMAN AND NATURE 1/30!
Snow Day!
California State University Long Beach Visit
We had the privilege to visit and speak our friend, Fafnir Adamites’, class at California State University Long Beach.
We shared recent work, focusing on the physical sculptures we’ve been exploring, including puppets.
The students were incredibly receptive and it was a lovely experience!

Berlin trip
We snuck in a few non-Pictoplasma visits while in Berlin! Puppentheater-Museum a great space filled with a wide assortment of puppets, mostly marionettes, some that are even available for trying out. And the Museum of Things, a museum dedicated to product culture of the 20th and 21st centuries with a special focus/archive of Deutsche Werkbund products. Both offered solid, grounded balance to the heady and poppy offerings of the conference.
次はベルリンで暮らすkidkanevilさんに教えてもらったMuseum der Dinge(モノの博物館)。ドイツでデザインされたありとあらゆる工業品、工芸品、家電からニベアの缶、ガラスの器からキッチュなおもちゃまで5万点のモノが展示されています。

Pictoplasma screening
Our animation, HAKKORI was fortunate enough to screen during the festival as part of the Psychedelic Midnight Mix at the Babylon theater. It was a very warm and receptive crowd! Kidkanevil came out for our talk and screening and it was great to finally meet in person and eat some popcorn together! There were also parties and other activities that begin to blur into dreamy memory but a lot of lovely people were there including Pictoplasma’s own Peter and Lars. We will treasure these moments, however hazy!
ベルリンの古いシアター・バビロンにて開催されたプログラム「サイケデリック・ミッドナイトミックス」でのHAKKORI上映。shrine islandシリーズでコラボしたばかりのベルリン在住の音楽家、kidkanevilさんがトークに続いてこちらにも来てくれました。それにしても、コラボの作品リリース直後にたまたま彼のいるベルリンで開催されるイベントでの上映とトークが決まり、初めて実物に会える偶然!また何か一緒にやれたらいいね、と話しました。

Pictoplasma talk
We are back from our journey to Pictoplasma and can start to actually reflect on our experiences. We had the honor of speaking at the conference and got to share some of our background and process for developing animations and the characters that inhabit them. It was a blur of bright lights and fuzzy limbs! Much thanks to the Pictoplasma team and everyone who sat through our ramblings.
Shrine Island pt3
Shrine Island pt3, the third and final animation in a three part series with kidkanevil is now live on his YouTube channel!
The traveler, an elder now, visits their final shrine island..
The third in a three part series featuring islands dedicated to play.
kidkanevilさんとのコラボ3部作の3番目の動画、Shrine Island pt3が彼のYouTubeチャンネルにて公開されました〜!
Pictoplasma 2023
Super excited to announce HAKKORI will screen at Pictoplasma’s animation festival this May in Berlin! It’s a lovely festival and we are psyched to be returning after over ten years.
We first screened at Pictoplasma in 2009 with Bryum & Kapok and then again in 2010 with BLESS. We also participated in a large group exhibition, Post Digital Monsters, in Paris with them in 2011 followed by the work being added to a book they published in the following year.
2009年の「Bryum and Kapok」、2010年の「BLESS」に続いて、10年ぶり(!)3回目の上映です。
shrine island pt2
The second animation in our Shrine Island three part series with kidkanevil is out!
An animated music video of the track, Shrine Island pt2, by kidkanevil from his album, BUBBLE.
A traveler visits another island dedicated to play.

Minnesota Atrist Talk and Screening Trip
We just came back from a great trip to Minneapolis, MN where we did an artist talk, some class visits and screenings at MCAD and a screening at the artist studio and performance space, Mirror Lab. All events went well and we made it home safe!
We were honored to be invited to do an artist talk at MCAD in front of the student body and any interested public. The talk was shared via Zoom. The audience was great and there were many excellent questions following the talk.
The talk itself was stressful but good for us to do! Organizing our work and thoughts, looking at what we've done and what we're planning is not something we do all the time and it's healthy to get perspective like this for us.
We also had a screening of our work on Sunday night at Mirror Lab. It is an amazing space! A good group came out for the screening and again there were some very good questions.
All in all we had a very positive experience in Minneapolis and hope to visit some day soon!
10/1〜10/5の間、ミネソタ州・ミネアポリスに行ってました!今回の旅はMCAD(ミネアポリス・カレッジ・オブ・アートアンドデザイン)でのアーティストトーク、その後いくつかのクラス訪問、そして地元のイベントスペース&スタジオMirror Labでの上映会のためでした。どのイベントもうまく行き、無事マサチューセッツに戻ってきました!

Minneapolis trip
We have a brief but exciting trip coming up to Minneapolis, MN!
On Sunday 10/2 7pm we are doing a screening of our animations at the collective studio and performance space, MirrorLab.
And on Tuesday 10/4 1pm we are giving an artist talk at MCAD (Minneapolis College of Art and Design). We’ll be focusing on HAKKORI and Shrine Islands but also talking generally about mistakes, inspiration, process, life, death, etc~
We are honored and excited to do both! We have had some small in-person interactions over the last few years but it has been many years since we did anything in public.
そして10/4(火)、ミネアポリスの芸術大学、MCAD(ミネアポリス・カレッジ・オブ・アート&デザイン)のオーディトリアムにて上映&トーク。今回はHAKKORIと今制作中のShrine Islandsの事を中心に、アニメーションを専門で学んでるであろう学生の皆さんに独学の2人きりでの制作プロセスのいいとこ悪いとこ、インスピレーションの素などについてお話しできたらと思っています。
Shrine Island pt1
A new animation is here!
An animated music video of the track, Shrine Island pt1, by kidkanevil from his album, BUBBLE.
The first in a three part series featuring islands dedicated to play. The other two parts coming later in 2022.
Art on the Marquee
Our simple looping animation, Playgrounds, had its official debut Thursday with some amazing other artists! We are grateful to BOSTON CYBERARTS for contacting us to participate in this round. This was our third time working with the organization to create something to screen at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center. The first was for the extremely wide display in the lobby of the convention center, the second was for the multi-panel display outside. Like this round, for the first piece there was a reception and we were able to witness the animation in person. The second piece was right as the US was starting to take the pandemic seriously in March 2020 and all in person meetings were canceled. The animation was still used on the display but we never saw it ourselves!
Both previous animations are viewable on our website though! Miraculously, Boston Cyberarts is still going strong and contacted us in the spring to participate in this curated round. We are deeply grateful for the opportunity! Though the reception was not open to the public it was the first in person event we've attended since everything started.
The animation/installation we created this round reflected our ongoing interest in play, specifically open play and the way simple shapes/structures can invite different modes of interaction. The overall piece was relatively subtle in movement, but features easy-to-read shapes with characters playing on them.

Group show "Rapt Attention"
HAKKORI is playing in a group show at Landmark College Fine Arts Gallery 02/18 - 05/14! The show is called Rapt Attentions and the other participating artists are Robbie Heidinger, Colleen Keough, Lydia M Kinney, Joan O’Beirne and Michael Smoot.
Open Weekdays 9-6, Weekends 10-6.
隣のバーモント州のランドマーク大学のファインアートギャラリーで2/18から5/14の間に開催されるグループ展「Rapt Attentions」に参加しています。この大学は自閉症・学習障害、注意欠陥の診断を持つ学生に特化した学校だそうです。会場ではハッコリを上映する事にしました。沢山の学生さんに見てもらえてたら嬉しいです!(外部の方もワクチン接種&マスク必須で見てもらえます)