HAKKORI Premiere at Fantasia International Film Festival

We are pleased to announce HAKKORI will premiere at Fantasia International Film Festival this August! There is even a lovely page they prepared for the animation on their website! We are very excited to be able to start sharing this animation with more people!

We also have a page on our website for the film now and look forward to premiering it online sometime in the near-is future, most likely in the fall.

8月5日よりスタートするカナダ・モントリオールのファンタジア国際映画祭の短編アニメーションプログラムCirco Animato 2021にてアニメーション「HAKKORI」が選出、ワールドプレミア上映されます!私たちの事を知らない多くの人にHAKKORIを見てもらえるのはこれが初めての機会になります。嬉しい!



Fearless Woman

A new animation of ours is out! Fearless Woman, a music video for musician Pat Robitaille.

Shino travels the land with her old friend Manta researching patterns. Sometimes her research is fruitful while other times it has lasting consequences.

新作アニメーション『Frealess Woman』公開されました!カナダ・トロントのミュージシャン、パット・ロビテールのミュージックビデオです。


Super Radiance

We were invited to participate in the group show, Super Radiance, at Nook Gallery in Inglewood, CA, 11/10 - 12/8!

A number of Energy Nebula, debuted in our Fecund Opening show at the E.C.A. gallery in Easthampton, MA are included in the show.

We were lucky enough to be in town during the opening and met the organizers, Laura Darlington and Selwa Sweidan and many of the participating artists. It is a stunning show, if you are in the area please take a look!

(Some photos courtesy of curators Laura and Selwa)

Vice News

We animated a segment for Vice News!

Titled, "Are we living in a computer simulated reality?", it looks at the theory posited by Nick Bostrom and the thoughts and opinions surrounding it.

The team at Vice News working on this piece gave us an enormous amount of freedom to create as we liked. It was an incredibly positive experience and we are deeply grateful to Linsay Van Dyke who brought us in to this project.

Shennong Festival

Shennong, mythical god emperor from ancient China credited with inventing herbal medicine, agriculture and tea, among other things, has been a strong source of influence on a personal animation we are creating. On 11/23 we were fortunate to visit a shrine dedicated to the figure in Tokyo. The shrine contains a wooden statue of Shennong, created during the Edo period, and is only open to the public for one hour, one day a year as part of the Shennong Festival. Many top players in medicinal businesses and research groups were present to pay their respects. 
