HAKKORI Premiere at Fantasia International Film Festival

We are pleased to announce HAKKORI will premiere at Fantasia International Film Festival this August! There is even a lovely page they prepared for the animation on their website! We are very excited to be able to start sharing this animation with more people!

We also have a page on our website for the film now and look forward to premiering it online sometime in the near-is future, most likely in the fall.

8月5日よりスタートするカナダ・モントリオールのファンタジア国際映画祭の短編アニメーションプログラムCirco Animato 2021にてアニメーション「HAKKORI」が選出、ワールドプレミア上映されます!私たちの事を知らない多くの人にHAKKORIを見てもらえるのはこれが初めての機会になります。嬉しい!

