Five Years


From the wooded crevices and dark spaces of Okutama to the haunted hills and cold streams of Greenfield, Overture has made it to year number five! Still meager in our means and production we are nonetheless overwhelmed daily by how far this dream has come. And as is often the case with time perception we see our beginnings at once as a distant shore and the last footprint we left on the path, the years stretching and shrinking as we consider them.
We think of all the folks who have given us opportunities over the years, and believed in us when there looked to be little reason to, and we are deeply grateful. We think also of all the folks who have come about through Overture: Harold & Chim, Bryum & Kapok, Buttobi Bear & Caesar, DingDong Yeahs, etc., looking on in anticipation of how they will continue to grow and excited for what new friends will come along in the future.
Thank you for five magical years and please join us on the adventures ahead!




そして、世界のどこかで私たちの作品・キャラクター達(ハロルドとチム/ブリアムとカポック/ぶっとびベアー & シーザー/DingDong Yeahs/ルバーブ達等々)を見てくれた人、この文章を読んでくれているあなた、全ての人にありがとうを!
