MoonHare Exhibition

MoonHare DM

As we have hinted at and mentioned in passing, we will be in Japan this summer doing some Overture-related things! Some exhibitions, some Storyteller-style events and tying it all together, a new animation we will be creating throughout our travels.
Many of the pieces are still drifting down but the first bits are beginning to settle so we thought it would be a good time to start discussing them!

We will have one exhibition at the Blue Ballen Gallery in Yufuin, on the southern island of Kyushuu from July 23 to August 6. Nearby in the city of Oita we will hold an event on July 25 at the MultiCulti space. In addition to storytelling and screenings we will also be doing a talk at the event and we will hopefully be at the gallery almost every day of the two weeks, working on the animation in the thick heat and talking with anyone who might stop by. (During our off time we will also be relaxing in the various hot springs in Aya's hometown of Beppu!)

The theme surrounds the MoonHare, a great earless hare who carries the power of the moon in his tail. The exhibition will focus on the story of the MoonHare, how the MoonHare gained the power of the moon told through the panels of a picture book we are working on. The portraits of dreaming gods who influence the MoonHare will also be displayed along with related older work.
The Storytellers event will likewise focus on the elusive and mythical hare. In what manner it will relate will be revealed at the event itself.
And in the animation, which we will write more about in the future, a phantom MoonHare plays a crucial role. The animation will use the lovely music of rec.tangle, who we've mentioned in the past.


7月23日から8月6日の2週間、大分県湯布院にあるBlue Ballen Galleryさんで「Moon Hare(ムーンヘア/月兎) Exhibition」を行います。

さらに、大分市内のコミュニケーションスペースMulti Cuiti(マルティカルティ)にて、7月25日(日)の夜8時からmumのビデオなど含む今までの映像作品の上映会&アーティストトークのイベント(予定内容です)も開催して頂く事になりました。

展示のタイトル「Moon Hare(ムーンヘア/月兎)」の話に戻りますが、このムーンヘアは耳のない巨大なウサギで、月の力を溜めて大きく膨らんだ丸い尻尾を持っています。



Hairy Scissors in Kasino Creative Annual
This is the spread of the hairy scissors we illustrated for KASINO's new publication KASINO CREATIVE ANNUAL, released on May 1st. As always, the book is beautiful, lovely stories, photos, illustrations and all tied up together in surprising and satisfying ways.
The theme of this Annual is hair and is overflowing with rich locks and itchy little strays, right down to the credits as we are mentioned as follows:
"OVERTURE is a New England based illustrator team of which JASON BROWN has black beard and AYA BROWN has raven-black hair."

Kasino Creative Annual
昨年10月に終了したヘルシンキのKASINO A4が、毎回1つの事にテーマを絞る"本でも雑誌でもない(編集部談)" KASINO creative annualとして新たに生まれ変わりました。
5/1に発売されたばかりの第1号、髪にがテーマの”about HAIR” に「毛むくじゃらのハサミ」のイラストレーションで参加してます。
”Overtureはニューイングランドを拠点とした、黒い髭のJason Brownと烏の黒髪を持つAya Brownで構成されるイラストレーターチーム”

Hairy Scissors

Approaching Waves

It's going to be a pretty crazy summer. We'll be in Japan for most of it, but lot's of stuff will be happening here in the states as well.
For one thing, we're taking part in an upcoming online magazine called Perfect Wave. They have some teaser photos of contributors up on a Perfect Wave diary, but it's going to be a pretty great project. We'll have some new work up there!
It's coming out in June and we'll be bringing it up again soon, so stay tuned!

そのうちの1つ、Overtureが参加する「Perfect Wave」というオンラインマガジンプロジェクト。
ただいま、Perfect Wave diary(英語)ブログにて他の参加者の皆さんの写真がアップされはじめています。今わかってるだけでも、なんだかすごい事になりそうなメンバーです!楽しみ!

Spore Incident

On April 23rd, Bless screened as part of the Spore Incident, a recurring festival of different art forms (video, poetry, musicians, cooks, etc.) happening in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico.
The theme this time was the irrational and unconscious, so Bless fit in just fine!

メキシコのグアナフアト州にあるメキシコで最も美しい町の1つと言われているサン ミゲル デ アジェンデで、4/23に開催されたフェスティバルSpore Incidentにてアニメーション「Bless」が上映されました。
このフェスティバルでは、ビデオ上映/詩の朗読/ミュージシャンによるライブ/料理など様々な催しが開催されます。今回のテーマは「irrational and unconscious(不合理と無意識)」。Blessにぴったりのテーマという事でお声がかかりました。

Now Facebooking

So we finally have one of these, an Overture Facebook page. Now you can choose your route for Overture news: here, Twitter and at last Facebook. We'll see how worthwhile it is, but if you use Facebook a lot, it could be pretty convenient. It will mostly just be a feed from here but will also receive event postings when they happen!

Facebook内にOvertureページができました! これでOvertureの情報をチェック出来る場所がまた1つ増えましたので、Facebookやってる方はぜひフォロー(ジョイン?ライク?)よろしくお願いいたしますー。
ちなみに Twitterにもアカウントがあります。こちらもフォローよろしくです!

Graniph Labs

Graniph, the brand we designed a Ding-Dong Yeahs ancestor t-shirt for back in 2007, recently opened a kind of showcase site called Graniph Labs. They introduce different interesting events and things their associated artists have going on.
I'm not exactly sure when the site when up and I haven't figured out all the nuances of how they have things laid out, but they recently put up a number of our animations, including Bless!
Take a stroll around the site and see what other folks are up to!

2007年にDing-Dong YeahsのシャツでコラボしたTシャツブランドGraniphが、Graniph Labsという新しいサイト(英語のみのようです)をオープンしました。

Doorstep! #2

CIMG2789UNIQLO Playful TypeUNIQLO Playful Type
More stuff has arrived! This time it's some of the shirts we designed for UNIQLO in collaboration with Gestalten. They are really lovely in person, especially the women's as this was our first time checking it out.
Now just waiting to get our hands on the other women's tee!
Thanks Junko and UNIQLO and Gestalten!


今回はゲシュタルテンとコラボレートした”Playful Type”のユニクロTシャツ(2パターン)です!


Goods! Stuff! Today the R.I.P. tees we designed for KASINO landed on our doorstep! They are great! And still available on the KASINO site! Here's a better view of the original drawing. Stay tuned for more great stuff from these guys!

今日、とってもいい天気(晴天22℃)の中で家に帰ってきたらドアの所にフィンランドからの小包!中を見るとKASINOのためにデザインしたR.I.P. Tシャツでした!それも2枚!今まで見た事がないほど細かいプリントで、美しい仕上がりです。

R.I.P. Original
Also, next to the tee is a KiraKira bag! It was made by KiraKira! And it also arrived recently with some KiraKira tshirts and cds! We're looking to sell these bags and shirts - hopefully when we have another Storytellers event of some kind or if you are interested just send us an email!
The image on the bag is the Bless section of the map/liner notes we created for KiraKira's Our Map to the Monster Olympics!

白地のトートに、彼女のアルバム、Our Map to the Monster Olympicsに入っているライナーの「BLESS 」の部分の絵がプリントされています。

Alfa Romeo/ アルファロメオ


After being nominated for the Swatch Young Illustrators Award 2009 at the Illustrative festival in Berlin last year, we were asked by the folks at Illustrative to participate in the 100 year anniversary of automaker, Alfa Romeo, occurring in the spring of this year.
Working with archived racing photos and various automobile and logo designs from the company, we created an illustration which is now up on the Alfa Romeo Art site available as a print of various sizes and qualities.
Details on a future exhibition with the pieces coming soon!

昨年ベルリンで開催された IllustrativeSwatch Young Illustrators Award 2009 のアニメーション部門に「Bryum&Kapok」 がノミネートされたご縁でお声がかかり、イタリアの車のブランドアルファロメオの創立100周年記念のイベントに参加する事になりました。


Pictoplasma: Psychedelic Midnight Mix

This will be our second year in the Psychedelic Midnight Mix of Pictoplasma's annual festival.
Last year Bryum & Kapok was selected and screened in the same section and this year Bless was accepted!
The Pictoplasma festival, which is in Berlin, is on April 9th and 10th and is jam packed with all sorts of great stuff. So if you're going to be in Berlin around that time - and specifically on April 9th around 11 PM you can gocheck out Bless on a big screen along with a huge selection of other great animations!
Download the lineup here!

ここ数日ニュース続きですね〜 なんだか春らしい気分です。
昨年も参加した、ベルリンで開催されるPictoplasma主催のキャラクターデザインを中心としたフェスティバル/カンファレンスイベントPictopiaにて新作ビデオ「Bless 」が上映される事が決定しました!

出る枠も、去年のBryum & Kapok同様、深夜から始まる"Psychedelic Midnight Mix (サイケデリックミッドナイトミックス)"です!またしても!


Arthur Radio

Tree dwellers, post-rain~~~
Last Sunday (03/14) we were invited to join DJ Hairy Painter and Ivy Meadows on Arthur Radio!
Arthur Radio is the weekly radio program of Arthur Magazine, streaming live on Sundays from 4 - 6 PM on Newtown Radio with a recorded version showing up on the Arthur site later on in the week.
Amidst a beautiful mix of music and animal calls picked at the hands of the two DJs we recreated aurally the Storytellers event, telling the same story from the event (Jason reading and Aya translating and recapping off the cuff in Japanese!) and playing songs used in our animations in lieu of screening the animations themselves.

We also shakily, nervously spoke about the Storytellers event, recent and future work, and how we work together collaboratively.
All in all it was a great time and we are extremely grateful to have had this opportunity!

The show is now up on the Arthur site, with beautiful illustrative language, and the animations used in the Storytellers event are even included in the post!

AND~~ during the show we put together this week's show cover artwork, seen at top.
Secrets and rumors waft up from between the floorboards that there will be future collaborations with these folks...

NY滞在中だった3/14、NYを拠点とするメディアArthur Magazineが送るラジオ番組、Arthur Radioに出演しました。
Arthur Radioは、毎週日曜の夕方4〜6時の2時間ブルックリンのNewtown Radioからライブストリーミングで放送し、その次の週にArthur Magazineのサイトで配信されています。






An old man confronts his fears, traveling across a personal landscape to realize and accept his path.
Our animation, Bless, for our dear friend, KiraKira premieres today on!!!

The song is Bless from KiraKira's 2008 album, Our Map to the Monster Olympics and it is still available through Smekkleyesa and After Hours (actually, currently sold out, but getting a repress this summer)!
Expect to see it on larger screens at festivals throughout the year as well as part of our Storytellers event, which we hope to be doing again in the near future!


「BLESS」は、2008年に出たKiraKiraのアルバム「Our Map to the Monster Olympics(SmekkleyesaAfter Hours)に収録されている曲です。

アルバムOur Map to the Monster Olympics」に同封されているマップの「BLESS」の部分の即興のイラストレーションです。見比べながらこのビデオを見ても面白いかもしれません。


Storytellers Follow-up

Our first Storytellers event last Thursday evening (03/11) was a wonderful success! A good number of folks stopped in and made some beautiful masks and relaxed to some storytelling and animation!
We are extremely grateful to everyone who made it to Storytellers and to IVANAhelsinki and Love Contemporary who so generously lent us the use of their popup store space and equipment!
Some photos below of a selection of masks and the Storytellers space. A lot more photos can be found on our flickr account!


参加してくれた人、準備や運営を手伝ってくれた人、そしてこんな素敵な会場(と飲み物とお菓子も!)を私たちに提供してくれたIVANAhelsinkiとLove Contemporaryマガジンに感謝感謝です!私たち2人の力だけではとても実現できないイベントでした。

この経験を糧にして、またなにか面白い事をやりたいなと思います。次は…どこでしょう? この辺りでやりたいのはもちろんの事、日本でも、そしてヘルシンキでも…?!


Storytellers Masks

Storytellers 03/11Storytellers 03/11Storytellers 03/11Storytellers 03/11

Coming up soon: Tree dwellers, post-rain

Mountain Pendant

Pendant for Storytellers
What is this? It is a ceramic mountain pendant we will be selling at our Storytellers event on 3/11!
If that doesn't answer your questions, you will just have to come and find out for yourself.


Overture: Storytellers

So this is what is happening on March 11th at 238 Mulberry St., currently the pop-up store/ art factory of IVANAhelsinki and Love Contemporary.
There will be mask making from 7, followed at around 8 or 8:30 by a mixture of storytelling and animation screening, including our new KiraKira animation!
We will also have some goods for sale.
All are welcome to come, it is a free event open to all ages!

日時は3月11日木曜日、場所はニューヨークの238 マルベリー(Mulberry) ストリート沿いの



IVANAhelsinki PopUp

IVANAhelsinki popup opening
Long weekend reporting!
Hmmm... I thought we had mentioned IVANAhelsinki before, but looking back, it seems we haven't! IVANAhelsinki is an amazing fashion company from Finland run by sisters Paola & Pirjo Suhonen with Paola designing the prints and clothes. We are connected with them through KASINO A4, who teamed up with IVANAhelsinki for their final party and magazine issue last year.
Now the rest of this post will start to make sense as we are putting something together with them:
After a brief meeting with Pirjo and a quick look at the space on Thursday, we headed back to 238 Mulberry St. on Friday night for the IVANAhelsinki & Love Contemporary pop-up store opening.
We saw IVANAhelsinki's Copper Chain AW '10 line, listened to the musical stylings of Alexa Wilding, and drank down some Finlandia vodka tonics.
Great fun and lots of interesting looking people!
And thanks to Pirjo and Paola, Overture will be taking over the space on March 11th for our own special kind of event! Can't say much just yet but details are coming very very soon!

フィンランドを代表するファッションブランドIVANAhelsinkiが2月19日〜3月16日まで期間限定オープンさせるお店IVANAhelsinki & Love Contemporary pop-up storeでこのブランドを運営する姉妹、Paola(パオラ/デザイナー) & Pirjo(ピルヨ/マネージャー)の2人に会うためです。

以前から連絡は取り合っていたのですが、偶然にも昨年終了したフィンランドのKASINO A4のラストパーティーでIVANAhelsinkiはショウを開催し、Overtureは追悼のTシャツデザインをする事で間接的にコラボする事ができて、そして今回店舗オープンのために姉妹そろってニューヨークにいるという事で、初めて会う事が出来ました。

金曜夜のイベントでは、Alexa Wildingの生演奏をBGMに、IVANAhelsinkiの2010秋冬”Copper Chain”ラインを纏ったモデルのショウとFinlandiaのウォッカドリンク、そして店内に溢れるお客さん達のファッションも楽しみました。

3月11日(木)に、このIVANAhelsinki & Love Contemporary pop-up storeでOvertureのイベントをする事が決定しましたので、ぜひ来てください&どうか来れそうな人にお知らせくださいー!内容については、できるだけ早くここでお知らせできるようにします。よろしくです!

IVANAhelsinki popup openingIVANAhelsinki popup openingIVANAhelsinki popup openingIVANAhelsinki popup openingIVANAhelsinki popup openingIVANAhelsinki popup opening

Parasol Magazine #6

The sixth issue of the sweet online publication, Parasol Magazine, run entirely (!?) by Yasmine Surovec, came out yesterday and has some pages of Overture work in it! The images used are the some of the watercolor and ink illustrations we created for our Caffeine Exhibition in Shelburne Falls, MA almost two years ago. The originals are still hanging, until the end of the month, as part of our exhibition at Elliot St. Cafe in Brattleboro, VT.

先日公開されたばかりのオンラインマガジンParasol Magazineの6号にCaffeine Exhibitionで展示した水彩&ペン画の作品が数点掲載されています。アリゾナ州在住のYasmine Surovecさんが編集&デザインしています。

この展示ももう2年前の出来事…現物数点が、今も開催中のブラトルボロ(バーモント州)Elliot St. Cafeで展示中です!

UNIQLO Playful Type Tee: Up Close

Just some details of one of the shirts with our design from the Uniqlo Playful Type collection - now that we have one in our hands that we can explore.
Neither of the colors showing up in these photos is quite accurate though. It's sort of a mint.
Playful Type Tee: NutritionPlayful Type Tee: Nutrition
Playful Type Tee: Nutrition


今夜、近所のターナーズフォールズのスターバックススタジオにて開催される”Starbux Studio February Rentparty!”の告知です。

Once again, we should've written about this earlier.
We didn't. We've been stuck with our heads in some projects we are at the tail end of and haven't been doing much with the internet.
Tonight (02/06/10) some of our animations will be screened at the Starbux Studiospace in Turners Falls, MA! They are having a rent party blowout and we temporarily had a room there, so we were kindly included in the list of activities for the evening.
Here's all the info:

Starbux Studio February Rentparty!
Saturday February 6, 2010. 6pm -10pm.
videos & performances start round 7pm ... suggested donation $5

music by:
Joshua Burkett

video works by:
Overture Brown
Neil Young, Cloaca

new mixed media visual works by:
Fafnir Adamites, Stash White, Paul Root, Lindsey French, & Rachel K. Garceau.

on display in various rooms throughout the evening will be:

portrait & still life paintings by astrological mystic Paul Root...
projected interactive digital visuals by permaculture-futurist Lindsey French...
collage, trash-design, & readymades by stealth visionary Stash White...
sculptural felt objects by fuzzmason Jessica Fafnir Adamites ...
pottery, drawings, & an installation piece entitled: "I couldn't hear a word you said." by new studiomate Rachel K. Garceau

and starting around 7pm there will be two performances & two videos screened:

Joshua Burkett, the gentle sweetheart co-proprietor of Mystery Train Records, co-synthesizer of Tarp, and putter-outer of damn-fine records on his Mystra imprint, will be performing a set of his curiously beautiful tunes. His records are gorgeous homey soundscapes with idiosyncratic acoustic guitar twinklings in the vein of fahey or elizabeth cotten. He hasn't been playing out too much lately, so we're thrilled he took us up on the offer!

also performing is The RICEnsemble. The RICEnsemble is a multi-dimensional sound unit dedicated to expressing musical vibrations as a perceptual substance to be shaped into unique artifacts for each performance. Led by composer / performer J Starpoli (a.k.a. Phloyd RICE), the Ensemble exists to actualize original musical concepts across a wide range of styles. Drawing on fringe traditions of world-wide experimental music, unorthodox theory, and quack science, the RICEnsemble creates sonic textures and materials that exist within themselves to be actively reinterpreted by the listener. Follow the sound.

We will be screening some short animations from our old studiomates, Overture Brown. This art/comix/design duo create enveloping worlds of cute/creepy characters prancing through landscapes dribbling with color. A cursory peep through their websites reveals a jaw-dropping array of projects & connections/collaborations with artists around the world - they are truly the hidden gem of Greenfield.

also screening will be the debut of Neil Young, Cloaca's newest video, an as-yet-to-be-titled piece from his ongoing Qwiktime 'N' Swiffkutz series. Shot during Fat Worm of Error's recording sessions this past spring with sound engineer extraordinaire, Justin Pizzoferrato, the video is an acrobatic camera collage of the Bank Row Studios' strange spaces, sounds, & textures. Also, brief excerpts from other titles in the Qwiktime 'N' Swiffkutz series may be screened as well.

there will be seconds pottery, felt items & recordings for sale, for those interested. suggested donations go to help us pay the brutal winter utilities. thanks!

entrance to the Starbux Studiospace is the green garage doors in the alley between 3rd & 4th streets - it is the brick building directly behind Burrito Rojo, next to the Rendezvous parking lot.