
Goods! Stuff! Today the R.I.P. tees we designed for KASINO landed on our doorstep! They are great! And still available on the KASINO site! Here's a better view of the original drawing. Stay tuned for more great stuff from these guys!

今日、とってもいい天気(晴天22℃)の中で家に帰ってきたらドアの所にフィンランドからの小包!中を見るとKASINOのためにデザインしたR.I.P. Tシャツでした!それも2枚!今まで見た事がないほど細かいプリントで、美しい仕上がりです。

R.I.P. Original
Also, next to the tee is a KiraKira bag! It was made by KiraKira! And it also arrived recently with some KiraKira tshirts and cds! We're looking to sell these bags and shirts - hopefully when we have another Storytellers event of some kind or if you are interested just send us an email!
The image on the bag is the Bless section of the map/liner notes we created for KiraKira's Our Map to the Monster Olympics!

白地のトートに、彼女のアルバム、Our Map to the Monster Olympicsに入っているライナーの「BLESS 」の部分の絵がプリントされています。

Alfa Romeo/ アルファロメオ


After being nominated for the Swatch Young Illustrators Award 2009 at the Illustrative festival in Berlin last year, we were asked by the folks at Illustrative to participate in the 100 year anniversary of automaker, Alfa Romeo, occurring in the spring of this year.
Working with archived racing photos and various automobile and logo designs from the company, we created an illustration which is now up on the Alfa Romeo Art site available as a print of various sizes and qualities.
Details on a future exhibition with the pieces coming soon!

昨年ベルリンで開催された IllustrativeSwatch Young Illustrators Award 2009 のアニメーション部門に「Bryum&Kapok」 がノミネートされたご縁でお声がかかり、イタリアの車のブランドアルファロメオの創立100周年記念のイベントに参加する事になりました。


Arthur Radio

Tree dwellers, post-rain~~~
Last Sunday (03/14) we were invited to join DJ Hairy Painter and Ivy Meadows on Arthur Radio!
Arthur Radio is the weekly radio program of Arthur Magazine, streaming live on Sundays from 4 - 6 PM on Newtown Radio with a recorded version showing up on the Arthur site later on in the week.
Amidst a beautiful mix of music and animal calls picked at the hands of the two DJs we recreated aurally the Storytellers event, telling the same story from the event (Jason reading and Aya translating and recapping off the cuff in Japanese!) and playing songs used in our animations in lieu of screening the animations themselves.

We also shakily, nervously spoke about the Storytellers event, recent and future work, and how we work together collaboratively.
All in all it was a great time and we are extremely grateful to have had this opportunity!

The show is now up on the Arthur site, with beautiful illustrative language, and the animations used in the Storytellers event are even included in the post!

AND~~ during the show we put together this week's show cover artwork, seen at top.
Secrets and rumors waft up from between the floorboards that there will be future collaborations with these folks...

NY滞在中だった3/14、NYを拠点とするメディアArthur Magazineが送るラジオ番組、Arthur Radioに出演しました。
Arthur Radioは、毎週日曜の夕方4〜6時の2時間ブルックリンのNewtown Radioからライブストリーミングで放送し、その次の週にArthur Magazineのサイトで配信されています。






An old man confronts his fears, traveling across a personal landscape to realize and accept his path.
Our animation, Bless, for our dear friend, KiraKira premieres today on!!!

The song is Bless from KiraKira's 2008 album, Our Map to the Monster Olympics and it is still available through Smekkleyesa and After Hours (actually, currently sold out, but getting a repress this summer)!
Expect to see it on larger screens at festivals throughout the year as well as part of our Storytellers event, which we hope to be doing again in the near future!


「BLESS」は、2008年に出たKiraKiraのアルバム「Our Map to the Monster Olympics(SmekkleyesaAfter Hours)に収録されている曲です。

アルバムOur Map to the Monster Olympics」に同封されているマップの「BLESS」の部分の即興のイラストレーションです。見比べながらこのビデオを見ても面白いかもしれません。


IVANAhelsinki PopUp

IVANAhelsinki popup opening
Long weekend reporting!
Hmmm... I thought we had mentioned IVANAhelsinki before, but looking back, it seems we haven't! IVANAhelsinki is an amazing fashion company from Finland run by sisters Paola & Pirjo Suhonen with Paola designing the prints and clothes. We are connected with them through KASINO A4, who teamed up with IVANAhelsinki for their final party and magazine issue last year.
Now the rest of this post will start to make sense as we are putting something together with them:
After a brief meeting with Pirjo and a quick look at the space on Thursday, we headed back to 238 Mulberry St. on Friday night for the IVANAhelsinki & Love Contemporary pop-up store opening.
We saw IVANAhelsinki's Copper Chain AW '10 line, listened to the musical stylings of Alexa Wilding, and drank down some Finlandia vodka tonics.
Great fun and lots of interesting looking people!
And thanks to Pirjo and Paola, Overture will be taking over the space on March 11th for our own special kind of event! Can't say much just yet but details are coming very very soon!

フィンランドを代表するファッションブランドIVANAhelsinkiが2月19日〜3月16日まで期間限定オープンさせるお店IVANAhelsinki & Love Contemporary pop-up storeでこのブランドを運営する姉妹、Paola(パオラ/デザイナー) & Pirjo(ピルヨ/マネージャー)の2人に会うためです。

以前から連絡は取り合っていたのですが、偶然にも昨年終了したフィンランドのKASINO A4のラストパーティーでIVANAhelsinkiはショウを開催し、Overtureは追悼のTシャツデザインをする事で間接的にコラボする事ができて、そして今回店舗オープンのために姉妹そろってニューヨークにいるという事で、初めて会う事が出来ました。

金曜夜のイベントでは、Alexa Wildingの生演奏をBGMに、IVANAhelsinkiの2010秋冬”Copper Chain”ラインを纏ったモデルのショウとFinlandiaのウォッカドリンク、そして店内に溢れるお客さん達のファッションも楽しみました。

3月11日(木)に、このIVANAhelsinki & Love Contemporary pop-up storeでOvertureのイベントをする事が決定しましたので、ぜひ来てください&どうか来れそうな人にお知らせくださいー!内容については、できるだけ早くここでお知らせできるようにします。よろしくです!

IVANAhelsinki popup openingIVANAhelsinki popup openingIVANAhelsinki popup openingIVANAhelsinki popup openingIVANAhelsinki popup openingIVANAhelsinki popup opening


The magazine came out a while ago, but this great package just arrived yesterday, so we are only writing about it now!
KASINO A4, the magazine we've had the privilege of working with for the past three years is dead. It committed suicide with its tenth incarnation, pulling out with its most exquisite issue to date, overflowing with all the delicious details that have made the publication so interesting since since its birth.

縁あって知り合い、そこから3年(5つの号)に渡って作品を寄せ続けたフィンランド・ヘルシンキの雑誌KASINO A4

昨年発行された#10 秋冬号 “THE DEADLINE ISSUE” を最後に、新しい形で生まれ変わるために、一旦その命を終えました。



Also, in this final issue is some info on two upcoming tshirts KASINO A4 is coming out with in the near future to celebrate their death. One of the shirts was designed by us! You can kind of get an idea from the images below, but we actually used the original for a group show last fall, so you can see it better there.

そして今回、KASINO A4は自らの終焉を祝う2種類の記念Tシャツを制作しました。



もうひとつのコラボレーターは、これもまた2人組、パリのAHONEN & LAMBERGです。こっちはシンプルでとても美しいです。


The magazine also included us in a group of "Top Employees" which was very sweet.
It was really wonderful working with KASINO A4 and we certainly hope to have the opportunity to do it again in the future!
さら"Top Employees" というページでも、私たちの5周年の写真付きで紹介されていました。(画像:左)
そこには、「このふたりがKASINO A4を助けてくれた回数はもう数える事が出来ないほど〜(中略)〜最高の賛辞は、これから未来に起こるであろうコラボレーションのために取っておこう」というメッセージが。



UNIQLO x Playful Type

UNIQLO shirts designed by Overture! Now! On the UNIQLO website! In Japan!
There are two up at the moment actually, with a third coming in March when the line is properly scheduled to be released worldwide. Right now they are only available on the Japanese site and a few locations in Japan.
The shirts are part of their Playful Type line, working with publisher Gestalten and the designs from the book of the same title, Playful Type: Ephemeral Lettering and Illustrative Fonts (hardcover currently sold out apparently, softcover available here).

ユニクロとゲシュタルテンのタイポグラフィ本Playful Type: Ephemeral Lettering and Illustrative Fonts」がコラボレーションしたPlayful Typeシリーズに、Overtureが参加しています。

Playful Type」は、昨年秋にベルリンの出版社ゲシュタルテンから発売された、世界各国の遊び心溢れるタイポグラフィを収録した本。(現在ハードカバーは完売、ソフトカバーのみこちらで販売されています。)


The lightgreen men's shirt below uses an illustration of ours, originally appearing in Issue #6 of
KASINO A4 and then picked up for inclusion, among similar designs of ours, for the Gestalten book.
The shirt is currently only available here, on UNIQLO's Japanese site (and a few select stores), but as stated above, will be out worldwide in the Spring.

下の写真にある薄緑色のTシャツは、KASINO A4の6号の挿絵として制作し、その後Playful Typeに収録されたものです。


The women's hooded sweatshirt below is one of two other designs of ours used for the Playful Type line. These were by request of UNIQLO after the NUTRITION design was selected, with the text and arrangement UNIQLO's planning and the just handwritten design Overture's doing. Again, this shirt is available here on the Japanese site at the moment with it and a similar design seeing a worldwide release some time in March.



2009 playlist on flau

For the past few years the record label flau has asked friends of the label to come up with playlists for the year, to see what folks have been interested in and maybe gain some small collective perspective on the time that has passed.
This year Overture was kindly asked to come up with a playlist, so we tried to look back and see what really stuck with us through 2009. Flau's playlists aren't limited to just music though. Films, books, shows, almost anything can be thrown in. Appropriately then,
ours is a jumble of different media and recurring events that were important to us throughout these twelve months. But pared down. We tried to keep the list short.

Overture 2009 playlist

Our connection to flau isn't great, but seems to slowly becoming stronger over time. In 2008 a song of KiraKira's appeared in the flau compilation,
Little Things, and this past year aus, the music creation end of flau founder Yasuhiko Fukuzono, played a show with Hauschka during his Japan tour. Hopefully more connections with flau develop in the future!

Also, we were asked to include a photo with our playlist, and we've added it at the top of this entry. It is a photo of Deerfield, MA, looking out from Sachem Head where we spent most of our outdoor time this year and took anyone who came to visit.

AND, Buttobi Bear & Caesar are taking a break this week but will be back soon for some holiday and new year cheer!


"aus"という名前で国内外で活動されているYasuhiko Fukuzonoさんの主催するレーベル、flauの2009年プレイリストにOvertureが参加しています。

flauでリリースされたコンピレーションアルバム「little things」にKiraKiraが参加していたり、聞いた所によると先日Hauschkaとも日本の上野公演で一緒になったりと、まだお会いした事はないですが、何かと縁の近い方です。

上の写真はプレイリストでも紹介しているもので、リストの”Outdoors” にもある、Sachem Headという小さな山の頂上から眺めたDeerfieldという所の眺めです。
このSachem Headという場所は、私たちの家に遊びにきた人全てが一度登る事になるという山で(と言ってもハイキング気分で登れます)今年一年の私たちのアウトドア活動を象徴する場所です。


Bless is Coming

A new animation will welcome 2010. An animation deeply connected with our good friend KiraKira, using the song Bless from her 2008 album, Our Map to the Monster Olympics.
With every cd copy of the album came a large, foldout map for the Monster Olympics. The map was broken into sections and each section corresponded to a song on the album.
The section for Bless is there on the left. Aside from some loose and independent interpretations of the lyrics for the song, the image was created through improvisation, letting our collective imagination describe the scene.

The animation will touch on a number of themes that have occupied our live these past few months and years, while bringing to visual life the flavor of Kira Kira's sweet and haunting music.

You will see!

今回のビデオはKiraKiraのコラボ!彼女が2008年にリリースしたアルバム「Our Map to the Monster Olympics」(アートワーク:Overture)の収録曲「Bless」を使用しています。

このアルバム、「Our Map to the Monster Olympics」のパッケージの中には、タイトルの”モンスターオリンピック”会場で配布されるマップが入っていました。




A lovely gift from our talented friend, Kaori Saki, for Overture's fifth year. She didn't operate the machine that cut the wood here, but she is skilled in a number of arts and hopefully she will open an Etsy shop or something similar in the future!

Also, we recently noticed a pretty eloquent interpretation of Overture at troutfactory notebook. The blog is run by poet photographer Trane DeVore, originally from California but currently living in Osaka (according to his profile, anyway).
The whole article is interesting and we recommend taking a look!

Anyway, more stuff coming up soon, but for now stay tuned for Saturday's Buttobi Bear and Caesar!


もうひとつ、これは偶然見つけたものですがtroutfactory notebookというブログ(英語)でRhubarbidooのビデオとOvertureの事について、とても素敵に紹介してくれています。
書いたのは(プロフィールによると)カリフォルニア出身で今は大阪で暮らして詩や写真を制作しているTrane DeVoreという人だそうです。



Imaginaria Film Festival

And yet another screening!
Bryum & Kapok, in its entirety, was selected to screen in the 7th edition of the Imaginaria Film Festival in Conversano, Italy! The festival runs from the 11th to 15th of November and Bryum & Kapok will screen on the 12th from around 6 PM. A schedule can be found here (in Italian).

11/11〜15にイタリアのConversanoで開催される第7回Imaginaria Film FestivalにてBryum & Kapokが選ばれ、3部作まとめて上映される事が決まりました。

ICA Screening

Another screening!
Byum & Kapok: A Lilt will be screening at the Institute of Contemporary Art, London on November 6th! It will screen as part of Little Pencil, a workshop where children draw to music.
This is an amazing opportunity and the first time our animation will be used in some kind of children education.
If you have kids and are in London, please take a look!

Bryum & Kapokの3作目、「A Lilt」がロンドンのInstitute of Contemporary Artsで11/6に開催されるLittle Pencilという子供のための音楽とドローイングのワークショップにて上映されます。

★アニメーションカテゴリでノミネートされていた、The Swatch Young Illustrators Award 2009。先日結果が出て、残念ながら賞は逃しましたが、ノミネート作品の展示は11/1まで続いています。お近くの方はぜひ立ち寄ってみてくださいね。

AZUL liner print on Society6

Azul Liner
This is the liner we created for the Azul (Hiroyuki Usui)/Six Organs of Admittance (Ben Chasny) split 12". The design ended up not being used but some folks expressed interest in getting a copy so we are making it available on Society6 as a print you can order!

Society6 just recently started a printing service and we are currently testing it out. We have a few other illustrations available at the moment and will probably be adding to that number shortly.
Alpaca Dreams (color separation)Alpaca Dreams (original)Lachanophobia

Here is a link for more information on Society6's art prints.

Illustrative 2009 Young Illustrators Award Nominee!

Illustrative, the "leading international forum for contemporary and graphic arts" (Illustrative site source) nominated us for their 2009 Young Illustrators Award!
Along with nine other animation category nominees (with two other categories, illustration and book art, ~35 nominees total) we await Sunday (10/18) when the winner of this award will be announced.
This year the festival is in Berlin and starts on the 15th (this Friday). As always, we wish we could be there.
They also have a bio page of us on their site - here.

ドイツのベルリンで明日、15日より開催されるイラストレイティブ2009でのコンペティション、The Swatch Young Illustrators Award 2009のアニメーションカテゴリに「Bryum&Kapok」がノミネートされています

会場でドキドキしながら「And The Winner Is...」てっていう発表を聞くなんて経験、してみたかったなー。


Five Years


From the wooded crevices and dark spaces of Okutama to the haunted hills and cold streams of Greenfield, Overture has made it to year number five! Still meager in our means and production we are nonetheless overwhelmed daily by how far this dream has come. And as is often the case with time perception we see our beginnings at once as a distant shore and the last footprint we left on the path, the years stretching and shrinking as we consider them.
We think of all the folks who have given us opportunities over the years, and believed in us when there looked to be little reason to, and we are deeply grateful. We think also of all the folks who have come about through Overture: Harold & Chim, Bryum & Kapok, Buttobi Bear & Caesar, DingDong Yeahs, etc., looking on in anticipation of how they will continue to grow and excited for what new friends will come along in the future.
Thank you for five magical years and please join us on the adventures ahead!




そして、世界のどこかで私たちの作品・キャラクター達(ハロルドとチム/ブリアムとカポック/ぶっとびベアー & シーザー/DingDong Yeahs/ルバーブ達等々)を見てくれた人、この文章を読んでくれているあなた、全ての人にありがとうを!


AZUL: It's here!

AZUL: It's here!
AZUL: It's here!
AZUL: It's here!
Just when we thought we wouldn't see them until the new year - three boxes arrived stuffed full of the Azul/Ben Chasny split 12"!!!
It's our first experience with our work on vinyl and... it is very satisfying.
If anyone is interested in possibly purchasing a print of the liner we created, please let us know as we are in the processing/considering stage of getting some made... we'll provide you with an image of course, for preview - or actually maybe we'll just upload the image here so anyone can get a proper look.

Also, some corrections: on the PSF site the copies available is listed as 800 - there are only 700.
On the back cover of the record jacket on song no. 5 Hiroyuki Usui is credited with guitar - but it should be bass.

8/5に発売されたばかりのAzul & Six Organs of Admittanceのsplit盤が本日家に届きました!



★裏カバーの"Old man side (Azul)"の5曲目、Hiroyuki Usuiの演奏楽器にGuitarとありますが、Bassの間違いです。

Here's some detailed images of the jacket, posted previously:
AZUL front
AZUL back

AtmosphereーGas as interface

GAS as Interface just wrote a bit about our work on their blog, Atmosphere. Mostly focusing on Bryum & Kapok they also included Rhubarbidoo.
Publishing the Gasbooks and running Calm & Punk Gallery among other things like representing artists and producing various projects, these are some very fine folks we hope to be talking about again in the future!


GASBOOKの出版や、CALM & PUNK GALLERYの運営などで数多くのアーティストとプロジェクトを手がけてきた会社、GAS AS INTERFACE(ガスアズインターフェイス)のオフィシャルページ「Atomosphere」にて、新作アニメーション「Bryum & Kapok」の事やOvertureの事など紹介して頂きました。


Smooth & Good with a new Reel/新デモリール完成&公開

Three years later... we've finally put together a new reel!
This one is from the past three animations (well, five actually, but we count all three Hauschka animations as one now) we've done since the fall of 2007. So anyone who hasn't seen the Yo Gabba Gabba animation we did can catch some snippets in the beginning. This can also be seen in HD on the Vimeo site... I'm not allowed to embed the HD at the moment and I can't figure out how to change the permission.

The music is from William Onyeabor's "When the Going is Smooth & Good"


Yo Gabba Gabba!で放送されたアニメーションを見た事がなかった方は、ここで少しだけ見る事ができますよ〜。


使用曲は、William Onyeaborの "When the Going is Smooth & Good"です。

「Rhubarbidoo」上映 at 東京ラピュタ阿佐ヶ谷

(English at the bottom!)

「 第9回ラピュタアニメーションフェスティバル2009」
3/22(日)11:00~12:00  東京ラピュタ阿佐ヶ谷


上映されるのは、3/22(日)11:00~12:00のAnimation soupプログラムです。




「FRANK」/art unit COCOA


"Rhubarbidoo" the animated music video we created for the Icelandic band, Múm in 2007 is still alive and kicking in the festival world, this time making an appearance at the Laputa International Animation Festival 2009 at the Laputa Theater in Asagaya, Tokyo. This is thanks to the Animation Soup folks who screened the animation last year at their own festival. Rhubarbidoo will be screening on March 22nd within the 11:00 - 12:00 Animation Soup time slot.
The festival schedule is here and additional information on the festival can be found here.

It Is Finished


The third and final piece of the Hauschka animation triptych is complete!

We have been working on this project since the beginning of last year, planning it since the end of 2007.
It is our first exploration into the realm of lengthier, extended works and it is a strange world. Endurance above all else is required to carry you through this land. Long distance running is recommended.

This is only an announcement though. The actual premiere is happening this Thursday on We'll post again then with the shortcut.
Eyes peeled! Let us know if you want the special treatment mail magazine by sending us an email. overture.image at gmail dot the com.

Next adventure!

ここ数ヶ月作り続けていた、Bryum & kapokシリーズの3作目"Bryum & kapok: A Lilt"がやっと出来上がり、これで3部作のすべてが完成しました!





overture {at}gmail {dot }com

