Projecting Together

Here's a non-MAGI NIGH bit of news:

On 4/27 we'll be screening at the independent theatre, Liberté, in Hita, Japan!  We performed there in 2010 with the Oneiric Caravan and when Hara-san, the owner, learned of our current trip to Japan, he invited us back!
Like last time we will be doing a mask making workshop, but instead of the Storytellers performance and live drawing we will screen our recent work and do a bit of Q & A on each piece.
In addition to this we will be bringing along one other video artist, an incredibly talented and interesting individual, Jordan Kim!
For those who are not familiar with his work, here is a brief bio:

Jordan Kim is a Los Angeles-based writer, director, animator, and artist who has worked on such shows as the Nickelodeon children's program "Yo Gabba Gabba!" and Tim and Eric's "Tom Goes to the Mayor" on Adult Swim/Cartoon Network. In addition, he's directed animated and live-action music videos for artists such as Daedelus, Sam Prekop, Star Slinger, and Toro y Moi. His work has been featured on Pitchfork, Wired, Dazed and Confused, Nylon, MuchMusic, Stereogum, Gorilla vs Bear, among others.

So he is quite accomplished!  He will be screening his work and talking about it as well!  It should be quite an evening!

MAGI NIGHイベントのお知らせが続いてますが、他にもやりますよー。
まずは4/27に日田の映画館リベルテで、マスク作り&上映会&トークのイベント“Projection Together”を行ないます!
2010年の夏に、flauさんの企画“Oneiric Caravanツアー”で訪れてパフォーマンスしたのが始まりで、またこうして縁あって日田を訪れる事ができて、とてもうれしいです!


上映会…[時間]18:00開場 18:30開演[料金]前売1500円 当日2000円(1ドリンクオーダー)


今回の上映では、私達の友人のJordan Kim(も参加します!
彼は現在ロス在住の映像作家で、ミュージックビデオや私達も参加した米ニコロデオンの子供番組Yo Gabba Gabba!の制作スタッフでもあるとても才能のある人です。映像作ってる人もぜひ参加して、彼にいろいろ聞いてみたらいいのでは…と思います。