We leave for Japan in four days on April 1st! (honestly!) and wanted to begin spilling the beans on the sort of mischief we will be getting into during our visit.
In addition to a number of exciting screenings we will be a part of (more on it soon!) we are also holding a number of events under the title of MAGI/NIGH.
It is a twofold title!  おまじない (omajinai/omaginai) in Japanese refers to something imbued with magic.  A charm or amulet is the simplest example, but a place or event or action can also hold powers and be considered おまじない.  Through the MAGI/NIGH events we will not only infuse objects and moments with personally significant magic, but also demonstrate the power of daily activities, turning a conscious eye on everyday tools and places.
"Magi Nigh" in English hints at approaching magi (magic users/ star readers/ scholars of esoteric and mystical knowledge) and the significance of this reading of the title will reveal itself in due time as we release more information (though you may be able to catch a hint from the image at the top!).

We've also started a tumblr where all things MAGI/NIGH will be located.  We (Overture!) will be posting all of the information here as well, of course, but the tumblr allows for other members of the Magi Union (the organizing unit for MAGI/NIGH - this includes us!) to write and post and update.

Much more soon!

このMAGI/NIGHを運営するMagi Union(マジャイ・ユニオン)という組合(?)には他にも仲間がいます。そのメンバーもここでいずれ紹介しますね

この”Magi Nigh”という言葉は、
Magi/マジャイ (魔法使い/星の研究家/神秘的な事柄を研究する学者) と

私たち(オーバーチュア)を含むMagi Unionにより更新されるMAGI/NIGH情報ページも作りました。

Conant High School Talks!

Conant High School Talk

Today we had the opportunity to share our work and our creation process with students of Conant High School in Jaffrey, NH!  It was Aya's first time to visit a public high school in the U.S. (while in session), and certainly to take part in the activities!

We were invited by our good friend, Shaina Gates, senior art teacher at the school and an amazing artist in her own right (she is currently in a group show at Sharon Arts Center, but older work can be seen on her flickr page and she has an etsy page for her lovely knitting)

We talked about what we did, shared new and old animations and illustration work and wrapped up each class with a brief workshop based around some of our collaborative illustration methods.  The students all seemed fairly interested and asked a lot of questions.  I sort of feel like we may have learned more in the course of the three hour-and-a-half classes than any of the students did, but it was a good experience on both ends.  With our heads down making animation for the past few months, it was the most talking I had done in a very long while!

Below are some photos from the day.  It would be great to do more of this!

訪問したのは、おとなりニューハンプシャー州、Jaffreyという町にある、Conant High Schoolです。

私達の友人、Shaina Gatesがこの学校のアートの主任(シニア)教師で、彼女の呼びかけで今回このようなことが実現しました。彼女は高校でアートを教えながら自身もアーティストとして活動しています。(Sharon Arts Centerでのグループ展に参加したり、flickr pageで作品アップしてます。エッツィではニットも販売



それぞれが、アートヒストリークラス、ペインタークラス、そしてAPクラス(大学に入る前のレベル…学校の中では一番上のクラスと思われます)の生徒のみんな、どのクラスもビデオで喜んでくれて(やはりYo Gabba Gabba!は知ってる子が多いらしく一番どよめいてました。すごい知名度!)質問もバンバンしてくれて嬉しかった。

Conant High School Talk

Screening 'Rhubarbidoo', folks are always shocked by the little Rhubie splitting in half and growing into an adult Rhube.  Growing up is difficult for everyone.


Conant High School Talk

Prepping watercolor panels for the next class!


Conant High School Talk

Students reading the watercolor panels left by the last class and responding on them with black ink.  We had some of our Dreamer portraits out for a bit of reference.


Conant High School Talk

Some of the first finished pieces, no watercolor.


Conant High School Talk

The black and white illustrations are nice, two to three to four people worked on them, but the ones with watercolor really came together.  And were cross-class efforts!


Conant High School Talk

Aya joins in.

Conant High School Talk

These colorful watercolor panels were left by the last class for the next day's first.  Some really nice combinations are going on here!


Conant High School Talk

Shaina, Jason and the other art teacher look at the day's achievements.


Shaina, Colt and Overture!

Shaina, Colt (in the bottom left!) and Overture!
Thank you Shaina!


Halfway Animation


Our new animation, Halfway, is finished and out in the world!  The story was inspired by many of the events of the past year, both across the globe and our own personal experiences.  Dealing with immediate circumstances and connecting with the past while realizing one's potential. 
As always we are very grateful to be able to create our own artwork, tell our own stories while working with amazing musicians and being encouraged and supported throughout the process!  Thank you Yasukawa-san, Rayons, Predawn and everyone else!

In other news, Ludic Chase is also complete!!!  And will hopefully premiere somewhere soon so we can share it here as well!

1/18に発売の1stアルバム「After the noise is gone」で手がけたデザインと同じ世界観で制作したので、CD/映像共に相乗的に楽しめるものになっていたらいいなと思います。

そうだ、実はLudic Chaseも完成しているんです!これらの事についてもまた近いうちにお知らせできればと思います。


Labrat Matinee 10: the light bends

Sunday night is dublab's Labrat Matinee 10: the light bends, an evening of film and music at Cinefamily @The Silent Movie Theatre.  It starts at 7:30 and there is a huge list of great directors' work screening!
Our short Mushroom Hunting promo for dublab's Film Flash we created last year will also be screening.
Check out the lineup on their Facebook event page!

今週日曜日にLAの映画館Cinefamily @The Silent Movie Theatreで開催されるdublabの映像イベントLabrat Matinee 10: the light bendsに参加します!Labrat Matineeはこれが2度目の参加になります。会場には行けないけど、本当にたくさんのディレクター、作品が参加してすごいラインナップになっています。
私達の作品で上映されるのは、12周年記念イベント内のFilmFrashのために制作した”Mushroom Hunting”の予定です。

Digital Memories: Foundland 2010

Photo; Ryo Mitamura

We're in the process of wrapping up a couple of projects (Ludic Chase!, Rayons' animation! ...some other stuff!), and hopefully we will be able to share them soon.
For now though, we thought we'd look back to some of the goings ons of 2010.  Recently, flau, the record label who set up the Oneiric Caravan tour and surrounding exhibitions and events turned our attention to some videos of events we were a part of during that Summer.
Here are two performances, one of Predawn, one of Tujiko Noriko, from the event, Foundland, in September, 2010.  (Predawn does the vocals on the Rayons' animation we are currently working on!)
We did a different live drawing for each performance that was shot and mixed live with analog effects by Onnacodomo.  Each live drawing was then pieced together at the end to form a single image that shared some similarities to the floating island illustration we did for the event flyer.
We've also included some very nice photos of the event, taken by Ryo Mitamura.

ひとつは音楽がPredawnさんと、もうひとつはTujiko Norikoさん。
映像ユニット Onnacodomoさん達との共演でした。ほんの1年半くらい前の出来事なんですが、とても懐かしいです。
三田村 亮さんが当日会場で撮影してくれた写真の中からもいくつかを。

Photo; Ryo Mitamura

Photo; Ryo Mitamura

Photo; Ryo Mitamura

Photo; Ryo Mitamura

Photo; Ryo Mitamura

Photo; Ryo Mitamura

Photo; Ryo Mitamura

Photo; Ryo Mitamura

Post Digital Monsters

Photo by Maxime Dufour Photographies
Photo by Maxime Dufour Photographies 


Here are some nice photos of our Hobomuck and Moonhare illustrations from the Post Digital Monsters  group exhibition we were in last month at La Gaîté Lyrique in Paris.
The exhibition was apparently a great success and we are very grateful to have been a part of it!
Our work is now off to Berlin to be part of the Pictoplasma goings-on in April.

昨年12/7〜12/31にパリのLa Gaîté Lyrique(ラ・ゲイテ・リリック)で開催されたPictoplasmaの展示”Post Digital Monsters”は、たくさんのパリっ子がつめかけて大好評のうちに終了したそうです。

この作品は日本ツアーで各地を回ったかと思えば今度はパリ!そして…4月に開催される本拠地ベルリンでのPictoplasma Berlin 2012でも展示される事が決ままりました。今はベルリンに無事到着している頃でしょうか。いろんな国に行けて羨ましい!

Pictoplasma « Post digital Monsters » @Gaîté Lyrique

Pictoplasma - Post Digital Monster

{flickr set} Post Digital Monsters, Paris 2011

Delicious Rayons Packaging

Here's a few photos of the physical cd packaging for Rayons' album, "After the Noise is Gone".
Based on the sounds and themes in Rayons' playing as well as the influences and talks we had during our travels through the final chapters of 2011 we developed a story for an animation and used the imagery and characters for the album artwork.  We will spill more when the animation is released - very shortly!
Catch some glimpses of the inside of the cd package, as well as some nice extras pre-order folks picked up.  There's also a little liner note booklet included with some additional illustrations... but we'll leave that surprise for people who pick up the cd for now.

朝から粉雪の降り続けている土曜日、いつものようにミーティングのために近所のカフェに行ってきた帰りに、RayonsのCD「After the Noise is Gone」が日本から届いていました!



Rayons "After the Noise is Gone"

Rayons "After the Noise is Gone"

Rayons "Halfway" Trailer

As the debut album for Rayons, After the Noise is Gone, comes out on Wednesday (1/18), and the animated video for one of the tracks is a little ways off, we were asked to put together a brief trailer to advertise the release and tease the upcoming full animation.

CDジャケットデザインを担当しました音楽家Rayons(レイヨン)さんの1stアルバム「After the noise is gone」が1/18に発売になることにあわせて短いトレイラー映像が公開されています。

The animation will be using the track, Halfway, from the album, featuring the vocals of Predawn.  As with the work we did with Kira Kira's last album, Our Map to the Monster Olympics, where the album artwork and later animated video were tightly linked, so too with Rayons' album and video.
We will be sharing more images from the album in the next few days and when the animation is finally released, the connections will be very clear.  We are very excited for both pieces of the project to come out, and very grateful to be a part of this with the wonderful music of Rayons!

Imagery from the album artwork has also been nicely used for Rayons' current website.  The menu icons are especially great.


CDの中身と映像がリンクする造りはKiraKiraの Our Map to the Monster Olympics以来ですね。





Happy New Year!  2012!
We truly wish everyone a positive, productive year of creativity, responsibility and action!

In 2011 it was the MoonHare, this time Oyami and Gunnar help us welcome in the new year - Ludic Chase is coming!
As are many other good things from Overture!  As always, thank you for all the support and continue to stick with us!


昨年はムーンヘアが、今年は完成間近のLudic Chaseからオヤミとグンナルが、新しい年の幕開けを手伝ってくれます。




Rayons album artwork
As we waited to board the plane from Tallinn to Prague we received a curious email from the manager of Predawn (we collaborated with the singer/songwriter last year at the flau organized event, Foundland) at HIP LAND MUSIC asking if we would be interested in working with a new artist, Rayons, on their debut album (on the Rondade label in Japan).  Rayons is lovely, subtle music, with plenty of curiosity and mystery and touches of longing and darkness.  It is mainly piano with cello and ambient noise accompaniment and Predawn adds vocals on a number of tracks.
We've already created the album artwork - the cover of which you can see up top (with images of the back and inside, as well as photos of the printed, physical digipak coming soon!) and the album goes on sale January 18th, although some sites already have it listed (Amazon, Tower Records, PCI Music)

来年1/18に発売されるRayonsの1stミニアルバム”After The Noise Is Gone”のアルバムのデザインを担当しました。
Rayons(レイヨン)は現代音楽家・中井雅子さんのソロプロジェクトで、日本の Rondadeというレーベルからのリリースです。 (ただいまAmazonTower RecordsPCI Musicなどで予約受付中です)

きっかけは少し前、先月エストニア・タリンを訪ねた旅のあと、Wifi放題のタリンの空港でプラハ行きの飛行機を待ってる時に頂いたメールでした。去年の夏、 flauさん主催のイベントFoundlandでご一緒したPredawnさんのマネージャーさんからで、来年デヴューする現代音楽家Rayonsさんの音楽のためのアートワークの相談を受けたところから、とんとんと話が進んでコラボレーションさせてもらうことになりました。この中で3曲、predawnさんがボーカルで参加しています。


Now we are working on an animated video for one of the tracks on the album - with a super tight deadline!  So our holiday season is going to be filled with late nights and graphite shavings on everything.  But we really wouldn't want it any other way.



Tallinn Tabi 11/15~11/22


As previously mentioned, we just returned from Tallinn, Estonia where BLESS screened at the Animated Dreams festival!  In addition to screenings there were also a lot of excellent talks and events and we had the opportunity to meet a lot of wonderful animators and animation-related folks!
We also managed to fit in a bit of sight-seeing (Tallinn is amazing!) and we thought we'd recap some of the experience here.

エストニアのタリンで開催されたアニメーション映画祭Animated Dreamsを訪ねて11/15~11/22の間1週間旅に出かけてきました。

Sõprus Theater
The festival screening and event locations were in various buildings around the city.  The Sõprus Theater, pictured here, is where many of the main screenings were shown, including ours.  It is a beautiful old theater!

talk before screening
We were given the opportunity to speak about BLESS before its screening.  It was a little rambling, but still we are always glad to talk on our process and the story behind the animation.  In the photo we are with Mari-Liis Rebane, program coordinator for the festival and the woman who contacted us initially to screen.  She is lovely and it was great getting to meet her in person!

上映前のトーク。 隣はAnimated Dreamsのプログラムコーディネーターであり、私達の作品をピックアップしてくれたMari-Liis Rebaneさんです。
With Rao Heidmets!
We also had the opportunity to meet Rao Heidmets, an award winning animator and director, who premiered a new film of his own at the festival, Coming of Oracle...? 
We were introduced to him over the internet through a mutual friend, so it was wonderful getting to know him in person!

この映画祭で新作「Coming of Oracle...?」をプレミア上映したラオ・ ヘイドメッツさん(奥様:左端)。友人の紹介で出発前から連絡とりあっててやっと会えました。今度は夏においで!と言われました。
Party at F-Hoone
There seemed to be a party of some kind every night, usually starting around 10 and lasting until breakfast.  The venue above was just such a location for two events, and while set a ways walk from the town and far out behind a train yard, it was always bustling.



Part of the festival included visits to animation studios, namely Nukufilm (focusing on stopmotion) and Joonisfilm (focusing on 2D), two incredible, award winning studios!  They were both inspiring creation nests and we learned a lot on each visit!

A tack board at Nukufilm showing examples of character design and various production tricks.

Animator and director, Mait Laas, at Nukufilms, showing us a set for an upcoming film based on a children's book written by one of the creators.


The house that is the studio for Joonisfilm.

2DアニメーションスタジオのJOONIS FILM(ユーニスフィルム)
Animator and director, Ülo Pikkov (whose film, Body Memory, screened at the festival), showing us the animator's room, where two of the five studio animators worked on keyframes (on absolutely beautiful lightboards).




Big christmas tree
And now some general sightseeing information.  Every year at Christmas time Tallinn erects this enormous tree.  It is the oldest public Christmas tree display tradition in Europe, apparently.  A temporary market is set up along with the tree, but unfortunately didn't open until after we left.

Just one of many enchanting little side streets.

旧市街の風景 入り組んだ城下町の奥の奥…
A small cafe, Bogapott, where we ate a nice soup and drank some strong coffee.  A lot of nice ceramic work and apparently popular with asian tourists(?).

In addition to simply preserved old buildings, a good number of structures have been reinterpreted or added to with very modern architecture, as can be seen above... mmm, I forget where this is though, near an event space I think.



We also had the fortune of a super long layover in Prague (20+ hours!), so went into town, strolled around, ate out and spent the night.

u Fleků brewery and restaurant in Prague
We decided to eat here, U Fleku, where they keep bringing you drinks until you beg for them stop.  We came for the great beer (perfect Dark Lager), but stayed for the red cabbage and accordion player.

u Fleků brewery and restaurant in Prague
It was sort of a nice relaxing wrap party for us after the busy festival week of meeting new people and absorbing so much information and ideas.


Aya & Jason
(Us in Tallinn)
Although we've screened at many festivals throughout Europe, we've never been able to attend any, so this was our first time to physically participate, and what a place to do it!  We were told numerous times, and on very good authority, that the Animated Dreams festival is just the right size of a festival to allow for real friendships and connections to develop between folks in the animation world.
We are very grateful to have been invited to screen and we will certainly be submitting work to future festivals!  Either way, we will be visiting Tallinn again.



Aya and Chimney Sweep

Pictoplasma Paris!

All through the month of December some of our illustrations will be showing at La Gaîté Lyrique, Paris, in the group exhibition Post Digital Monsters and as part of the Pictoplasma extravaganza taking place throughout the city.
The exhibition opening is December 7th and the exhibition ends December 31st.  It is going to be great!  And the gallery is new and really amazing and has been doing a lot of interesting shows.  Plus the people we are showing with are super talented folks (Friends with You, Shoboshobo, etc.) and we are incredibly honored to be invited to show with them!
If you are anywhere in the Paris area in December swing by and take a look!

Oh, and the illustrations are taken from our MoonHare story set that we took with us on the Oneiric Caravan tour in Japan last summer.  We'll be writing about them soon enough!

12月7日〜31日までパリで開催されるピクトプラズマのパリ巡回展「Pictoplasma Paris」にイラストレーションで参加します。

会場は、ポンピドゥーセンターの近くに今年3月にオープンしたばかりのメディアアートセンターLa Gaîté lyrique(ラ・ゲイテ・リリック)

今回はPost Digital Monstersというテーマなので、ムーンヘアのシリーズからムーンヘアと戦う眠れる巨人ホボマックが描かれた作品が数点展示される予定です。


Animated Dreams in Estonia

BLESS is screening in another festival!  In Estonia!  And we're going!  
Specifically, BLESS is screening as part of the Japanese Indie Animation category in the Animated Dreams festival (11/16-11/20), the animation end of the Black Nights Film Festival (11/16-11/30) held in Tallinn.
Even more specifically, the Japanese Indie Animation category is split into two groups and BLESS is in the Fantasy and Fanfares half.  It will be screening on the 20th from 5PM.

We will be screening alongside some really amazing Japanese Indie Animators, most famous, perhaps, from the CALF label (Atsushi Wada, Mirai Mizue) and Academy Award-nominated Koji Yamamura.  It is a great honor to be invited to screen among these folks!  We will try and make friends with everyone.
Plus, we are going!  So if you live in Tallin or are visiting let's say hello!  Or if you are not around but have some recommended spots, that would also be great!  We are there all next week!

エストニアの首都、タリンで開催されるBlack Nights Film Festival(11/16-11/30) 内のアニメーション映画祭Animated Dreams  (11/16-11/20),で「BLESS」が上映される事になりました!そして今回は私達も会場に向かいます。

今回、日本作家の特集プログラムJapanese Indie Animationでは、作品達をイン/陰と陽/ヤンの二つに大きく分け、そのヤンの方のグループ、題して "Fantasy and Fanfares" (11月20日)の中で、CALFの皆さんや山村浩二さんの作品に仲間入りして上映されます。
会期中には「緑子」や「A Cat in Paris」や山村浩二さんの最新作「マイブリッジの糸」など、そしてもちろんエストニアの作家達の新作映像、他にもたくさんの作品達が上映されます。

L.A. Tabi 10/12〜10/19


Mega entry!!!
We don't usually post such lengthy entries, especially when it has nothing to do with what we are working on - but our trip to LA last week was such a good time and we got to meet with so many great people we thought we'd lay it all out here anyway.


Downey Studios

Our first stop, not an hour after landing among the succulents and sunshine, was the Yo Gabba Gabba set and offices.  We did a short animation, Animal Sounds, for them a few years ago and managed to keep in touch enough for a tour of where the magic is made.  Our friend (and talented director), Jordan Kim walked us around and wowed us with the various departments.

到着してすぐに向かったのが以前アニメーション「Animal Sounds」で参加した、米子供番組「Yo Gabba Gabba!」の撮影現場です。
ダウニースタジオズという大きなスタジオがいくつも建ち並ぶ内のひとつで、ちょうどシーズン4(?)の撮影最終日のランチタイムにお邪魔してケータリングの食事をいただいたり、ここで働いている、友人&才能あるディレクターのJordan Kimの案内でスタジオ内を見学させてもらったりして貴重な時間を過ごしました。


We are always on the lookout for sweet cafes and bookstores and Stories, in Echo Park, is both, with a small but choice selection of used books, nice coffee (free-refills) and giant fig newtons.
LAのブルックリン的な地区、Echo ParkにあるStories Books and Cafe


Time Travel Mart

Next door is The Echo Park Time Travel Mart the front store supporting 826LA, a non-profit tutoring kids in writing and other activities.  All the proceeds from the store, which stocks all sorts of time travel related goods, from dinosaur eggs to anti-robot fluid, go to the tutoring program.

カフェの隣にあるお店、これが面白いお店でした。Echo Park Time Travel Martという名前で、地域に暮らす6~18歳の子供達に文章の書き方のワークショップをしたり宿題を手伝ったりして放課後の勉強&クリエイトの場を提供するNPO、826LAのサポートをするお店です。

Time Travel Mart

(Time Travel Mart display of a robot encountering a caveman, of course.)

このお店のテーマは”タイムトラベル”。 原始人とロボットが出会う瞬間が、歩道向けのディスプレイです。店内もタイムトラベルにまつわるとんちの効いた品でいっぱいです。

Poetry, etc. collection by kids

(The shop also has collections of poems and other writings by the kids in the program available.)



We didn't get to many museums during this trip unfortunately, but we did manage to fit in LACMA, specifically checking out the Japanese Pavilion and Islamic and Asian sections.  There is too much to cover in a day, let alone a single evening, so we absorbed and were awed by what we had time for, then moved on (to dinner).



(walkway to the Japanese Pavilion)




(Doguu statue, incredibly old, I never really expected to see one in person, so it was a wonderful surprise!)



(The museum also has an amazing collection of 800 plus Netsuke, which they rotate month-to-month.  The detail on these tiny, keychain-like carvings is beyond skilled.  Each little creature or character is one breath from being alive.)


Farmers Market Hollywood

Of course there are many farmers markets in LA, we only went to one, but it was enormous and filled with the variety that only access to different environments can provide.  I think?  Maybe I'm just not familiar with these larger famers market.  Anyway, it was great.


Farmers Market Hollywood

dublab 12th anniversary

On the 15th we attended the dublab 12-year anniversary event at Atwater Crossing.   It was a very big event with live acts, screenings and djs.  There were also food trucks, a screen printing space, popcorn, a bar, and a photographer doing portraits or something.  It was a busy place!
Among the events was a short screening of the Film Flash videos, with our Mushroom Hunting animation included.


dublab 12th anniversary

(A large part of the space is outdoors)

会場はatwater crossingとても広くてきれいなところでした。会場は大きく3つに分かれて、外に屋台村、自転車専用のValet(ホテルのように専門のスタッフが自転車を預かって駐輪場に)サービスもありました。

dublab shirt printing by Hit+Run

(Silk screening space, by HIT + RUN.  You could bring your own tshirt or buy one there and then select up to three designs to print)


Film Flash screening

(The Film Flash screening)

ここで私たちのビデオ”Mushroom Hunting”アニメーションが上映されました。

Poketo Studio!

Years after working with Poketo, we finally got a chance to meet Ted and Angie and visit their studio!  They were great and we talked for some length about camping and hot springs over Japanese curry.


Angie & Ted of Poketo!

(Angie, Ted and curry)


Nickelodeon Animation Studio

We had the opportunity to visit the Nickelodeon Animation Studio en route to lunch with Kevin Sukho Lee.  They were setting up for Halloween and every hallway looked like it was under construction with black tarp and plastic sheeting strung up everywhere and pvc piping poking out between the seams.

Nickelodeonのアニメーションスタジオを訪ねて、アニメーションデパートメントのディレクターKevin Sukho Leeと一緒にランチを食べながらいろいろ話しました。彼とはYo Gabba Gabba!からのご縁で、POKETOの二人と同じく、本物にやっと会えたな〜という感じでした。

Nickelodeon Animation Studio

(Aya enjoys a coffee)


Cartoon Network Animation Studio

And we also had a visit to the Cartoon Network Animation Studio.  No Halloween prepping here, just hard work and some solid counseling for us!  Along those lines, anyway.  It was good experience and we had a lot of fun and learned a lot!

And I guess that can be said for the trip in general: more than anything else we learned A LOT.  We spend most of our time just make make making and have no idea how to have that lead to anything but the finished piece itself.  So we are trying to learn how to go beyond that... and this trip was a step in doing just that!



Downtown & Jason & Aya

dublab Film Flash

Mushroom Hunting dublab Film Flash

Here's a very short animation we created recently for dublab!  It is part of their Film Flash, a series of promos created by a number of artists for their 12th anniversary.  The short promos will be officially premiered this weeked (10/15) at their 12th anniversary celebration.
The films are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 3.0 License which means folks can remix and share them to their liking (with credit).

Our film is extremely simple and short and took us about 10 days to create (background elements we luckily already had).  It is about four friends out wild mushroom hunting.  They are very special little guys to us.  We first conceived of them for Ludic Chase, so please keep them in mind when it is finally released!

(Aside from the field recording we did, the music is by Andrew Pekler taken from his track "Exotic 1" on the Creative Commons licensed dublab sample compilation "Bonus Beat Blast".)

  Ludic Chase製作中にもうひとつ作っていた短いビデオ"Mushroom Hunting dublab Film Flash"が公開されて見れるようになっているので紹介します。

これはLAのネットラジオ局dublabの12周年記念のために作ったプロモビデオで、明日10月15日にLAで開催される 12周年記念イベントの中のFilm Flashというプログラムで公式にプレミア上映される予定のものです。
Film Flashには、他にも Spencer Ockwellなどdublabにゆかりのあるアーティストが参加しています。
このビデオは クリエイティブ・コモンズ・ライセンス 3.0の下で公開&配布されています。(Attribution-Noncommercial(帰属ー非営利) 

この4人はそれぞれにモデルがいて、今製作中のビデオ Ludic Chaseにもほんの少しだけ出演する予定です。同じ森の違う場所、違う時間のもうひとつの出来事です。

Nook Notes: Title!

August 29th was Overture's 7 year anniversary!  We're still working on this animation so there wasn't much elaborate celebrating... but we did want to reveal the title of the animation to mark the occasion and decided to do it in the form of a very brief trailer.
And in case the handwritten lettering was illegible for you, here is the title in simple text:

Ludic Chase

We won't get into the reasons behind the title before the animation is out in the world.  Maybe later.

Not much happens in the trailer really, but we thought it might prepare you a bit for the kind atmosphere to expect.  A forest at dusk.  A narrow path.  A firefly.
(viewable at 1080p)

Also, the music is by rec.tangle, taken from the very song we are using in Ludic Chase!


Ludic Chase(ルーディックチェイス)



Summer T!


This is the last weekend for the summer tshirt event at Kichimu! After this weekend the shirts we designed will still be available at Tone, the clothing and accessories store connected with the gallery Stone (Tone is also in Kichijoji. Find directions here).



(線のみの原画は下にあります そちらが今回Tシャツに使うものです)

水と木の喜び とか キラキラした命の祭り とか エロス&ジョイ とか…


The shirts are silkscreened and because of time and distance constraints we decided to just keep to the lines. Hopefully we'll have some photos of an actual printed shirt to share soon!
Here is the design we created specifically for the event:

Summer Lines!

We also included a color version at the top for your viewing pleasure!

Nook Notes: Entry 07

This Nook Notes is short and sweet.  At the end of July we went on a camping trip with my sister, Sara and her husband, Frank, and while we spent most of the time swimming and exploring we also managed to squeeze some work in.
The waterside location was nearly identical to what we have in mind for our animation's setting and we were able channel some of this visual information down onto paper.  We are in the middle of creating color panels and backgrounds for the animation anyway, so it was excellent timing.

We also managed to catch a bit of communication between two spiders!

Music, again, by the amazing rec.tangle!

今回のNOOK NOTESはこのキャンプのことを短い映像にしたものです。

行った先はマサチューセッツ州内のTully lakeという湖に面したキャンプ場。




Still Heat
Hot Morning
Jayak & Frank
Raft on the Lake
Mystery Hills
Framed Dusky

Salt Lake City Film Festival 2011

BLESS and Bryum and Kapok will be screening at this year's Salt Lake City Film Festival!
The festival is from August 18th to 21st, with BLESS screening on the 19th and Bryum and Kapok screening on the 21st.
Because our animations are shorts they are being paired with feature length films at each screening which should be interesting!

More details on the festival site.

Festival BLESS page
Festival Bryum and Kapok page

アメリカ・ユタ州ソルトレイクシティで、8月の18~21日の間に開催される映画祭、Salt Lake City Film Festivalにて「BLESS」と「Bryum and Kapok」 が上映されます。

詳細は フェスティバルのサイトで確認できます。

この映画祭は長編と短編を合わせてセットで上映するプログラムを組んでいて、BLESSは19日、Bryum and Kapokは21日にそれぞれ長編作品とともに上映されます。こういうのは初めてかも。